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2023 Joint Missions Convention (JMC)

The CCACA’s 2023 JMC “Go into all the World” will be on July 28-30, 2023 at the Evangelical Chinese Bible Church (ECBC) in Burnaby. Keynote speakers will be Rev. Damien Lee (English track), Rev. Dr. David Pao (Cantonese track), and Rev. Dr. David Doong (Mandarin track) . There will be a children’s program for kids Grades 1 to 6. Please go to [] for free registration or for more information. 

This convention is held every 2 years and alternates between west coast and east coast locations for the gathering. It is organized by the Canadian Chinese Alliance Churches Association (CCACA). 

It's a great opportunity to meet many of the Alliance International Workers who serve in countries around the world and to hear their stories.