How does the good news of Jesus relate with the brokenness that we experience in our lives? We believe the reality and pain of unmet needs creates a space for God to demonstrate unmerited favour towards us.
You are invited over the next two months to journey with us as we explore the themes of personal brokenness and the unexpected joy of God's grace.
Grace frees us from a performance oriented sin management Christianity. Grace breaks the power of fear as we face our deepest pains. Grace calls us to rest and surrender. Grace transforms us to become a safe community for broken people, wounded healers sharing the goodness of God's love. Will you allow God's grace to meet you in your places of deep brokenness?
Oct. 01 - "From Performance to Grace" | Ps. 103
Oct. 08 - "Brokenness Defined (What is it, How Does it Affect Us, How Do We Manage It)" | Ps. 139
Oct. 15 - "Amazing Grace Pt. 1 (Fear & Pain)" | 1 John 4:7-18
Oct. 29 - "Amazing Grace Pt. 2 (Rest & Surrender)" | Matthew 11:28-30, Isaiah 30:15
Nov. 05 - "Wounded Healers Pt. 1 (Our Weakness, His Strength)" | 2 Corinthians 12:1-10
Nov. 19 - "Wounded Healers Pt. 2 (A Safe Place for Broken People)" | Col. 3:12-17
Listen to messages in the series.
Tuesday to Friday
9:00AM - 5:00PM