We give cheerfully out of our worship as stewards of the resources God has entrusted us with. We give also as an act of obedience, as Paul instructs "On every Lord's Day each of you should put aside something from what you have earned during the week, and use it for this offering. The amount depends on how much the Lord has helped you earn..." (1 Corinthians 16:2 Living Bible TLB).
Our prayer is that with our offering, lives will be transformed and the gospel will reach all nations. We appreciate your support and thank you for your faithful giving.
You can give by cheque, cash, e-transfer, pre-authorized debit, online donations, and securities donations.
If you are a regular attendee of FLC and require a donation tax receipt from FLC, we encourage you to apply for an offering number. Please email office@fraserlands.ca to receive the online sign up form.
For one-time donations, you don't need to apply for an offering number. Please put down your official name, address, contact number, and email address when you give so that we can keep an accurate offering record and issue the donation receipts accordingly.
Official tax receipts will be issued annually in February for donations made in the previous calendar year. Please provide your full name and address for tax receipt purposes.
Tuesday to Friday
9:00AM - 5:00PM