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We are looking for volunteers to help run Alpha. We cook and prepare each meal for 12 weeks, set up a dining space for guests to eat and enjoy the film and have table discussions all done by volunteers! Please prayfully consider serving in this 12 week long ministry to outreach to those in our community and beyond. The next Alpha will run from September 11 - November 27, 2024.

The roles we are looking for are:

  • Food Preparation - Cook and prepare each meal for the guests and volunteers each week
  • Dessert Makers for each week - Bake or prepare desserts at home and drop it off at the church
  • Table Discussions - Guide and facilitate discussion based on the video topic of the week
  • Greeters and Sign In Table - Greet and sign in guests that arrive each week
  • Setup - Setup of the dining and sign in table
  • A/V - Play the video topic of the week, ensure mic and worship sound is working properly
  • Worship - Lead a simple worship set each week
  • Book Table Assistant - Manage and provide guidance on which books or resources would be best for a guest who has questions

Sign Up to Volunteer Here

If you have any questions, please contact Allison Chen (