"An Evening in December" is a Christmas Eve program featuring Christmas carols, special music, and a short message of hope. All are welcome to this family-friendly event. No tickets required.
Join us on Tuesday, December 24th at 8:00pm either in-person or online via livestream. Desserts served after the program.
Location: Fraser Lands Church | 3330 SE Marine Drive, Vancouver (Map)
We are located on the corner of SE Marine Dr. and Marine Way, one block east of Kerr Street.
View last year's program here.
We are in need of volunteers to prepare and serve at the Dessert Cafe after the Christmas Eve program for "An Evening in December". Roles include set up and take down, preparing and serving cakes, preparing and serving cold drinks and hot chocolate. Please click below to sign up to volunteer.
Tuesday to Friday
9:00AM - 5:00PM