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The Visioning Process

The Vision, Mission Statement, and Core Values of Fraser Lands Church were created by a team of individuals known as “The Vision Team”. The Fraser Lands Church Board of Elders nominated 13 members of the church to represent the English, Cantonese, Mandarin, Teens, and Children’s congregations to form this team. Three pastors and three elders were also included on this diverse team. The Vision Team worked together to conduct a survey for the church which outlined Fraser Lands Church’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT). Discussion then began based on the results of the survey, specifically on Fraser Lands’ current state and what members envisioned for the future of our church.

The Vision Team then discussed what a vision, mission statement, and core values individually represent and brainstorming began. Throughout this whole journey, prayer for wisdom and discernment remained a priority over finding the catchiest sounding vision or mission statement. Vision Team meetings also included a time for sharing of scripture and lessons God had been teaching the team individually through this process. The team prayerfully discussed Jesus’ commands to His followers and used the associated scripture verses to guide the creation of the statements.

Once the Vision Team had honed in on a specific theme for the vision of the church, a larger visioning retreat was held. Attendees included The Vision Team, pastors, elders, and staff of Fraser Lands Church. This retreat helped to focus ideas and key words and phrases for The Vision Team to further refine. After more prayer and dedication to visioning for Fraser Lands Church, The Vision Team was blessed with our Vision, Mission Statement, and Core Values. The final statements and scripture verses were presented to the Fraser Lands Church Board of Elders and approved. On March 13 2016, at the Fraser Lands Church annual membership meeting, the Vision, Mission Statement, and Core Values were presented and accepted by the church.