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Lytton Ministry Update - June 2024

Mayday Event
Our last Ministry Trip to Lytton was on Saturday May 18, 2024. This time we had a team of 54 people including 13 members from Newbern Alliance Church. 20 members made the trip to Lytton for the first time. The weather was cloudy and windy, and it posted some challenges for us in the set up. However, we were able to run the carnival without any major issues.

One of the highlights of the trip is touring the Lytton village centre where some rebuilding is happening. Our team was divided into three groups to take on the tours conducted by the Mayor and a Councilor of the Village. Each of the three tours were slightly different. Construction is happening in the village - a 2-bedroom house is under construction by the Mennonite Disaster Service helping one of the families who did not have insurance coverage. The foundation for the Chinese Museum has been poured with an anticipated completion date in September 2024. Other houses are being constructed. After three years, it is exciting to see these constructions happening. Will you continue praying for the rebuilding and recovery of the Lytton community?

The best part of the trip is seeing the excitement in the eyes of the children when they participated in the many activities of the carnival. Cotton candy and popcorn were in high demand. The photo booth was also very popular – 60 photos were taken by the end of the carnival. A special treat was provided by a musician from Newbern Alliance Church who entertained us with three hours of non-stop music.

River Festival – Saturday August 31
We are gearing up for our next Ministry Trip – Saturday August 31, 2024. Again, we have been invited to help out in the Lytton River Festival. This year is the festival’s 20th anniversary and it will be held for the first time after the fire in the village centre! Will you consider joining us on this trip? As usual, it will be a long but meaningful day trip. Please register online or contact us directly.

River Festival Ministry Trip Volunteer Sign Up

We are continuing our assistance and visitation with a few displaced Lyttonites living in the Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley. It’s hard for us to imagine what these people have gone through since they lost their homes and belongings 33 months ago, but we’re thankful for their trust in sharing their heart wrenching stories with us. No doubt, financial assistance is a big part of the recovery, but there are many layers in their recovery. The intent of our visits is to show them that we care. It involves spending time listening to their stories, spreading some joy with our presence, blessing them with our time and love, we're extending God's kingdom. Will you make yourself available to journey with these people in need?

Please contact us if you’d like more information or participate in the Lytton Ministry:

Jamie 778-552-3123 or Adele 778-834-8419

“With Jesus’ help we will continually offer our sacrifice of praise to God by telling others the glory of his name. Don’t forget to do good and to share what you have with those in need, for such sacrifices are very pleasing to him.”      Hebrews 13:15,16