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Lytton Ministry Update - September 2024

River Festival
Our last Ministry Trip to Lytton was on Saturday August 31, 2024.  This time we had a team of 54 people including 28 members who made the trip to Lytton for the first time.  The weather was cool in the morning but became sunny and hot during the day.

This is the 20th Anniversary of the River Festival, and the event was held in the village centre for the first time since the devastating fire that destroyed the village in June 2021.  People were excited to return to the village and witnessed several buildings under construction.  Will you continue joining us in praying for the rebuilding and recovery of the Lytton Community?

In addition to the numerous carnival games and activities, we served about 200 hot dogs, took over 40 pictures at the Photo Booth, and entertained the participants with four hours of live music provided by a talented member from Newburn Alliance Church.  Some of us toured the village site with the Mayor to look at the rebuilding activities.  We saw a couple of houses that were not affected by the fire.  One of them now has a ‘Miracle’ sign posted at the front door.  We also took turns joining a ‘Connect with the River’ tour to learn about the Lytton way of life.  One of the highlights of the trip was visiting the Lytton Chinese Museum that was near completion.  The reopening of the museum is in October with a ceremony planned for next Spring.  

Visitation & Financial Assistance
We are continuing our assistance and visitation with a few Lyttonites.  In July we assisted a couple in purchasing a used travel trailer for their temporary living accommodation.  The parents of one of the individuals (“J”) were the only two people who died in the 2021 fire.  “J” is still struggling to recover from that traumatic experience.   We learned that helping people is not an easy job.  It takes time, patience, sensitivity, persistence, discernment, kindness, and most of all love.  Will you pray for and journey with these people in need?

Christmas Hampers - 2024
It may be still early to talk about Christmas, but we have started planning for this year’s Christmas Hampers for Lytton.  For the past three years, we have provided numerous hampers to families and individuals in Lytton.  We want to bring them something special for their holiday celebration.  More details will be provided soon.  Will you consider sponsoring a Lytton Christmas Hamper?  

Please contact us if you’d like more information or participate in the Lytton Ministry:

Samantha 778-999-1204 or Adele 778-834-8419

“With Jesus’ help we will continually offer our sacrifice of praise to God by telling others the glory of his name. Don’t forget to do good and to share what you have with those in need, for such sacrifices are very pleasing to him.”      Hebrews 13:15,16