Join us for our In-Person Worship Services on Sundays. If you plan to attend, learn what to keep in mind as we gather. Click Here
We will also be live streaming online the English Service on Sunday mornings. You will be able to view it on this page or on Youtube.
Message: "The First Disciples: Nathanael, Known & Seen"
Verses: John 1:43-51
Speaker: Pastor Abe Chan
Have you ever wondered if God is indeed real, that He is who He says He is? That He is omniscient and knows & sees everything that goes on in the world as well as in our personal lives? Come and see, come and meet Jesus, the Son of God, who has known us from the very beginning...
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Ways to Connect
For Your Kids
The most recently recorded Sunday Service can be viewed below. Previously recorded Sunday Services can be viewed on the Sermons page.
Tuesday to Friday
9:00AM - 5:00PM